Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Snuggie and Other Market Leaders

If I've said it once, I've said it 1000 times, The Snuggie is one of the best marketed items in the consumer world, today! (Please see reference in article, below)


No, but seriously, what I take away from the above article is that companies CAN thrive in a down economy. Let's stop saying "this industry is recession proof" or "buy this commodity during a recession." I think we've all learned that nobody is invulnerable. But, what we can do in our respective companies, is find a way to make it more relevant, perhaps indespensible with new products and services, streamlined operations, and better prices for our customers.

And, the same can be said as an employee. We ALSO need to come up with new ideas, streamline ourselves, and in essense, make OURSELVES indespensible.

Besides the 6 companies above, can you think of some great companies who have strived in this economy? Apple, perhaps? How about others who are in need of an overhaul? GM? Radio Shack? Barnes and Noble?

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